Inova Spire Links


Inova Spire Links

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INOVA SPIRE LINKS are designed with a pointed top and bottom this allows the shock-leader knot and lead to sit perfectly in the middle of the link. Available in 3 sizes, small, medium, and large.
The small INOVA Spire Links are perfect for lighter leads and very good also for attaching to lures. The medium INOVA Spire Links are great for all things match fishing. The large INOVA Spire link is amongst the strongest in the market great for boat fishing and attaching big lures and lead weights.

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Size & Quantity

Size – Large 110lb-50kg, Size – Medium 82lb-37.5kg, Size – Small 54kg-24.7kg


INOVA Fishing Tackle

Make life easier and your fishing more productive. INOVA provide the best sea fishing 'edges' to help you catch more fish… it's simple with INOVA.